Safeguarding at Castle Kindergarten

Statement of Intent

Every child has the right to be safe. Castle Kindergarten is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and we expect all of our staff, students and volunteers to make this commitment too. We work with children, parents & carers and the community to ensure the safety of children. Our environment and our ethos encourage children to develop a positive self-image, regardless of race, language, religion, culture or social background. We aim to help children to establish and sustain satisfying relationships with us, with their peers, within their families and with other adults. We aim to enable children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches, and we aim to work with parents & carers to build their understanding of and commitment to the welfare of all our children. Parents should understand that we will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of children, young people and family members. In cases where the kindergarten has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, we will follow the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures . The Designated Lead for Safeguarding is the Kindergarten Manager with cover provided by the Kindergarten Deputy Manager. To read our safeguarding and related policies please visit the kindergarten or send us a request and we will provide a copy for you.

Food and Nutrition

We provide a range of snacks and drinks for your child during their part day or full day at the kindergarten. For those families paying for a full day of childcare lunch is included in the fees. Children who receive free childcare can have lunch bought for them or can bring a packed lunch from home. For children spending all day with us we will provide a light afternoon tea at around 4pm.

We know that eating healthily is extremely important for the development of young children. So, the food that we offer is planned carefully to minimise sugary foods, fatty foods or foods containing additives. We aim to influence and encourage children to try a wide range of foods, including organic and multi-cultural produce.

Snacks and meals are prepared freshly each day in our food preparation area and our menus for the week are displayed for families to read. As part of our initial and on-going care arrangements, we take specific note of a wide range of dietary needs and cultural preferences. We welcome suggestions from parents on any aspect of children’s meals and snacks so please tell us about your child’s special dietary needs.


We use our slow cooker to make wholesome tasty meals... here are some examples of our main courses. Allergens are always noted on our menus

Sausage Casserole

Corned Beef Hash & Crusty Bread

Pasta Bake

Cheese and Tomato Pasta

Meatballs and Spaghetti

Vegetable Curry

Chicken Casserole


Our kindergarten socials...


Hylton Castle
