SEND Accessibility Statement

SEND Accessibility Statement

The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. Our kindergarten has three key duties towards children who have a disability or disabilities, under Part 4 of the DDA.

• We do not to treat children with disabilities less favourably for a reason related to their disability.

• We make reasonable adjustments for children with disabilities, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage.

• We carry out accessibility planning in order to increase access to education for children with disabilities.

Our accessibility planning sets out our aim to increase access to education for children with disabilities in the three areas required by the planning duties within the DDA.

Our planning aims to increase the extent to which children with disabilities can participate in the curriculum.

Our planning aims to improve the environment of the kindergarten to increase the extent to which children with disabilities can take. advantage of education and associated services

Our planning aims to improve the delivery of information to children with disabilities which is provided in writing for children who do not have disabilities.

It is a requirement that our accessibility plans are resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary and reported on annually. The plans for each of our day nursery settings can be obtained by emailing requesting a copy for the specific kindergarten.

The Aims of the Castle Kindergarten Organisation

We will:

• ensure the health, safety and emotional wellbeing of every child in our care at all times

• create a relaxed and happy environment where children are at ease with themselves

• provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate play for the different age groups and allow children to make choices and to direct play and learning at their own pace

• provide opportunities for children to explore and understand the wider world, have a positive image of themselves and we will promote respect for different cultural and social backgrounds

• provide an environment in which children’s voices are listened to, their views and opinions are valued and respected and their needs and concerns are responded to appropriately and sensitively

• provide an ethos of support and nurture where curiosity is encouraged and where making mistakes is part of the learning process

• ensure that all children will be challenged and stretched and will be allowed time, space and resources to discover their passions and talents.

We work within a national framework for educational inclusion provided by:

• The Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage 2017

• The SEN & Disability Act 2001

• The SEN Revised Code of Practice 2002 • The Disability Discrimination Act (amended 2001)