Funding and Fees
Funded Childcare Children receiving 15 hours of funded childcare can take the hours between 8.30am and 4.00pm and can stretch them across the school holiday periods. Additional ‘charged’ hours and sessions can be arranged with the Manager at registration or on an ‘ad hoc’ basis if we have the space and staffing to meet the request. Children receiving 30 hours of funded childcare can take the hours between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm and can stretch them across the school holiday periods. Additional ‘charged’ hours and sessions can be arranged with the Manager at registration or on an ‘ad hoc’ basis if we have the space and staffing to meet the request. Children spending 15 hours of their 30 hours funded childcare with us and the other 15 hours with the neighboring primary school can receive additional daily lunchtime care after their morning session at the primary school or before their afternoon session at the primary school. The care package includes lunch and can be arranged with the manager. Children attending funded sessions have the option of booking meals and snacks, the cost is on our Fees List. As any charges for lunch and snacks must be optional under the government’s regulations for funded childcare, children can, alternatively, bring a healthy packed lunch and a healthy snack from home. Childcare Fees Fees are charged in line with our Fees Policy and are to be paid monthly unless agreed otherwise with the Manager. Invoices will be given at the start of each month and must be settled on their due date at the very latest. If the payment for the invoice has not been made within 14 days of its due date, the child’s place may be suspended until payment has been made. You will be invoiced annually and pay a fixed amount each month. The invoice will be divided across 12 months for all year attendance, 11 months for term time only attendance, or the number of months left in our financial year, 1st September – 31st August. If the parent/carer prefers, a monthly invoice will be created. The kindergarten is closed for 3 ‘working’ weekdays each year – these days fall between Christmas and New Year along with the 3 bank holidays and the 2 ‘weekend’ days that fall between the 25th of December and the 1st of January. Additionally, the kindergarten is closed on the 5 bank holidays that fall outside of the Christmas period. We offer ‘term time only’ attendance of 38 weeks a year. We follow the local authority term dates to determine when ‘term time only’ children will attend/not attend. For children attending term time only, any holidays taken in term time will require full fees to be paid. Please bear in mind that the Local Authority School Term Dates Calendar will show 39 weeks rather than 38 weeks as it includes teacher professional development days when children don’t attend school. Children who attend for part of the week only are charged for the number of days or half days that are booked for them to attend each week. We allow a 100% fees concession for one week of holiday each year and a 50% fees concession for a second week of holiday each year, with children who attend part time having a pro rata allowance. The holiday year runs from the child’s start date. For further holidays outside the allowance period, full fees are payable A sibling discount of 10% will be applied to the eldest child. For twins the 10% discount will be applied to one of the children’s invoices. For triplets the discount will be applied to two of the children’s invoices.
Read MoreSEND Accessibility Statement
SEND Accessibility Statement The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. Our kindergarten has three key duties towards children who have a disability or disabilities, under Part 4 of the DDA. • We do not to treat children with disabilities less favourably for a reason related to…
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SEND Information Report Introduction At Castle Kindergarten we work closely with the Local Authority and other agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy and Autism Outreach to ensure that every child’s needs are met and that they are reaching their potential. We, along with all other educational settings in Sunderland and the surrounding area, are…
Read MoreSEN Policy
Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs Policy Policy statement We provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities are supported to reach their potential. We have regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014). We have in place a clear approach for identifying,…
Read MoreWebsite privacy policy
Website privacy policy This privacy policy sets out how Castle Kindergarten uses and protects any information that you give Castle Kindergarten when you use this website. Castle Kindergarten is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website,…
Read MoreOur Policies
Copies of all our policies can be seen at each kindergarten or some can be viewed on Tapestry. Should you wish any policies to be emailed to you please contact admin@castlekindergarten.org.uk Should you wish to have a paper copy of any policies please ask the manager and these will be provided for you. Child Protection Policies ∙…
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